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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Info on Clonidine

The part about this that stuck me the wrong way is this, the only reason people give this to their children is to control the high blood pressure that the Kapvay medicine causes!!! So let's give them Kapvay to control their focus and impulsivity, then we will give them the Clonidine to control the blood pressure problems that the Kapvay causes, HEY! , then we can give them some Prozac because the Cholnidine can cause depression, or maybe something as simple as some exlax cause it can cause constipation!! WHERE DOES IT END???!! why are we trying to fix something that isnt broke? why are we trying to cover up these "issues" rather than dealing with them head on to fix the cause?? We have to quit band aiding the big problem, big pharma and the government not wanting to loose their money!!! please advocate today for a child don't let them become a statistic!!

Quillivant XR ( why are we giving our loves ones these sort of things? i would rather deal with them NOT being 'focused" than to give them all these side effects and possible death!!