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Thursday, January 31, 2013

This information comes from the Hallelujah Diet, worth reading.

How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child - Documentary Video

Drugging Kids— Side Effects/ We have got to protect our children!

Information on Focalin

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

ADHD Drugs—Side Effects « CCHR International

ADHD Drugs—Side Effects « CCHR International

Pre-Crime? Try Pre-Diagnose and Pre-Drug: Psychiatrists target infants as mental patients

Pre-Crime? Try Pre-Diagnose and Pre-Drug: Psychiatrists target infants as mental patients

Refusal To Put Child On Psych Drugs Results In Swat Teams & a TANK. This...

CCHR: Watchdog information on psychiatry, psychiatric disorders and psychiatric drugs

CCHR: Watchdog information on psychiatry, psychiatric disorders and psychiatric drugs

To keep your parental rights over your children's medical sign this important petition!

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The Ron Paul Parental Consent Act

  • Author:
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    U.S. Congress
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This petition is in support of The Parental Consent Act, a federal bill introduced by Congressman Ron Paul, which prohibits federal funds being used to establish or implement any mandatory or universal mental health/psychiatric screening of schoolchildren. It also establishes a parent's right to refuse mental health screening of their child. This is a crucial bill which must be passed to guarantee parental rights. We urge everyone to sign the petition in support of this bill.

Ron Paul speech given on April 30, 2009 on his bill, The Parental Consent Act:

Madam Speaker, I rise to introduce the Parental Consent Act. This bill forbids Federal funds from being used for any universal or mandatory mental-health screening of students without the express, written, voluntary, informed consent of their parents or legal guardians. This bill protects the fundamental right of parents to direct and control the upbringing and education of their children.

The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health has recommended that the federal and state governments work toward the implementation of a comprehensive system of mental-health screening for all Americans. The commission recommends that universal or mandatory mental-health screening first be implemented in public schools as a prelude to expanding it to the general public. However, neither the commission's report nor any related mental-health screening proposal requires parental consent before a child is subjected to mental-health screening. Federally-funded universal or mandatory mental-health screening in schools without parental consent could lead to labeling more children as "ADD" or "hyperactive" and thus force more children to take psychotropic drugs, such as Ritalin, against their parents' wishes.

Already, too many children are suffering from being prescribed psychotropic drugs for nothing more than children's typical rambunctious behavior. According to Medco Health Solutions, more than 2.2 million children are receiving more than one psychotropic drug at one time. In fact, according to Medico Trends, in 2003, total spending on psychiatric drugs for children exceeded spending on antibiotics or asthma medication.

Many children have suffered harmful side effects from using psychotropic drugs. Some of the possible side effects include mania, violence, dependence, and weight gain. Yet, parents are already being threatened with child abuse charges if they resist efforts to drug their children. Imagine how much easier it will be to drug children against their parents' wishes if a federally-funded mental-health screener makes the recommendation.

Universal or mandatory mental-health screening could also provide a justification for stigmatizing children from families that support traditional values. Even the authors of mental-health diagnosis manuals admit that mental-health diagnoses are subjective and based on social constructions. Therefore, it is all too easy for a psychiatrist to label a person's disagreement with the psychiatrist's political beliefs a mental disorder. For example, a federally-funded school violence prevention program lists "intolerance" as a mental problem that may lead to school violence. Because "intolerance" is often a code word for believing in traditional values, children who share their parents' values could be labeled as having mental problems and a risk of causing violence. If the mandatory mental-health screening program applies to adults, everyone who believes in traditional values could have his or her beliefs stigmatized as a sign of a mental disorder. Taxpayer dollars should not support programs that may label those who adhere to traditional values as having a "mental disorder."

Madam Speaker, universal or mandatory mental-health screening threatens to undermine parents' right to raise their children as the parents see fit. Forced mental-health screening could also endanger the health of children by leading to more children being improperly placed on psychotropic drugs, such as Ritalin, or stigmatized as "mentally ill" or a risk of causing violence because they adhere to traditional values. Congress has a responsibility to the nation's parents and children to stop this from happening. I, therefore, urge my colleagues to cosponsor the Parental Consent Act.

H. R. 2218

To prohibit the use of Federal funds for any universal or mandatory mental health screening program.


April 30, 2009

Mr. PAUL (for himself, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. MCCOTTER, and Mr. HENSARLING) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means and Education and Labor, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


To prohibit the use of Federal funds for any universal or mandatory mental health screening program.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the 'Parental Consent Act of 2009'.


The Congress finds as follows:

(1) The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued findings and recommendations against screening for suicide that corroborate those of the Canadian Preventive Services Task Force. 'USPSTF found no evidence that screening for suicide risk reduces suicide attempts or mortality. There is limited evidence on the accuracy of screening tools to identify suicide risk in the primary care setting, including tools to identify those at high risk.'

(2) The 1999 Surgeon General's report on mental health admitted the serious conflicts in the medical literature regarding the definitions of mental health and mental illness when it said, `In other words, what it means to be mentally healthy is subject to many different interpretations that are rooted in value judgments that may vary across cultures. The challenge of defining mental health has stalled the development of programs to foster mental health (Secker, 1998). . . .'.

(3) A 2005 report by the National Center for Infant and Early Childhood Health Policy admitted, with respect to the psychiatric screening of children from birth to age 5, the following: `We have mentioned a number of the problems for the new field of IMH [Infant Mental Health] throughout this paper, and many of them complicate examining outcomes.'. Briefly, such problems include:

(A) Lack of baseline.
(B) Lack of agreement about diagnosis.
(C) Criteria for referrals or acceptance into services are not always well defined.
(D) Lack of longitudinal outcome studies.
(E) Appropriate assessment and treatment requires multiple informants involved with the young child: parents, clinicians, child care staff, preschool staff, medical personnel, and other service providers.
(F) Broad parameters for determining socioemotional outcomes are not clearly defined, although much attention is now being given to school readiness.

(4) Authors of the bible of psychiatric diagnosis, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, admit that the diagnostic criteria for mental illness are vague, saying, `DSM-IV criteria remain a consensus without clear empirical data supporting the number of items required for the diagnosis. . . . Furthermore, the behavioral characteristics specified in DSM-IV, despite efforts to standardize them, remain subjective. . . .' (American Psychiatric Association Committee on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV 1994), pp. 1162-1163).

(5) Because of the subjectivity of psychiatric diagnosis, it is all too easy for a psychiatrist to label a person's disagreement with the psychiatrist's political beliefs a mental disorder.

(6) Efforts are underway to add a diagnosis of `extreme intolerance' to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Prisoners in the California State penal system judged to have this extreme intolerance based on race or sexual orientation are considered to be delusional and are being medicated with anti-psychotic drugs. (Washington Post 12/10/05)

(7) At least one federally funded school violence prevention program has suggested that a child who shares his or her parent's traditional values may be likely to instigate school violence.

(8) Despite many statements in the popular press and by groups promoting the psychiatric labeling and medication of children, that ADD/ADHD is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, the 1998 National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference said, `. . . further research is necessary to firmly establish ADHD as a brain disorder. This is not unique to ADHD, but applies as well to most psychiatric disorders, including disabling diseases such as schizophrenia. . . . Although an independent diagnostic test for ADHD does not exist. . . . Finally, after years of clinical research and experience with ADHD, our knowledge about the cause or causes of ADHD remains speculative.'.

(9) There has been a precipitous increase in the prescription rates of psychiatric drugs in children:

(A) The use of antipsychotic medication in children has increased nearly fivefold between 1995 and 2002 with more than 2.5 million children receiving these medications, the youngest being 18 months old. (Vanderbilt University, 2006)
(B) More than 2.2 million children are receiving more than one psychotropic drug at one time with no scientific evidence of safety or effectiveness. (Medco Health Solutions, 2006)
(C) More money was spent on psychiatric drugs for children than on antibiotics or asthma medication in 2003. (Medco Trends, 2004)

(10) A September 2004 Food and Drug Administration hearing found that more than two-thirds of studies of antidepressants given to depressed children showed that they were no more effective than placebo, or sugar pills, and that only the positive trials were published by the pharmaceutical industry. The lack of effectiveness of antidepressants has been known by the Food and Drug Administration since at least 2000 when, according to the Food and Drug Administration Background Comments on Pediatric Depression, Robert Temple of the Food and Drug Administration Office of Drug Evaluation acknowledged the `preponderance of negative studies of antidepressants in pediatric populations'. The Surgeon General's report said of stimulant medication like Ritalin, `However, psychostimulants do not appear to achieve long-term changes in outcomes such as peer relationships, social or academic skills, or school achievement.'.

(11) The Food and Drug Administration finally acknowledged by issuing its most severe Black Box Warnings in September 2004, that the newer antidepressants are related to suicidal thoughts and actions in children and that this data was hidden for years. A confirmatory review of that data published in 2006 by Columbia University's department of psychiatry, which is also the originator of the TeenScreen instrument, found that `in children and adolescents (aged 6-18 years), antidepressant drug treatment was significantly associated with suicide attempts . . . and suicide deaths. . . . '. The Food and Drug Administration had over 2,000 reports of completed suicides from 1987 to 1995 for the drug Prozac alone, which by the agency's own calculations represent but a fraction of the suicides. Prozac is the only such drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in children.

(12) Other possible side effects of psychiatric medication used in children include mania, violence, dependence, weight gain, and insomnia from the newer antidepressants; cardiac toxicity including lethal arrhythmias from the older antidepressants; growth suppression, psychosis, and violence from stimulants; and diabetes from the newer anti-psychotic medications.

(13) Parents are already being coerced to put their children on psychiatric medications and some children are dying because of it. Universal or mandatory mental health screening and the accompanying treatments recommended by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health will only increase that problem. Across the country, Patricia Weathers, the Carroll Family, the Johnston Family, and the Salazar Family were all charged or threatened with child abuse charges for refusing or taking their children off of psychiatric medications.

(14) The United States Supreme Court in Pierce versus Society of Sisters (268 U.S. 510 (1925)) held that parents have a right to direct the education and upbringing of their children.

(15) Universal or mandatory mental health screening violates the right of parents to direct and control the upbringing of their children.

(16) Federal funds should never be used to support programs that could lead to the increased over-medication of children, the stigmatization of children and adults as mentally disturbed based on their political or other beliefs, or the violation of the liberty and privacy of Americans by subjecting them to invasive `mental health screening' (the results of which are placed in medical records which are available to government officials and special interests without the patient's consent).


(a) Universal or Mandatory Mental Health Screening Program- No Federal funds may be used to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening program.
(b) Refusal To Consent as Basis of a Charge of Child Abuse or Education Neglect- No Federal education funds may be paid to any local educational agency or other instrument of government that uses the refusal of a parent or legal guardian to provide express, written, voluntary, informed consent to mental health screening for his or her child as the basis of a charge of child abuse, child neglect, medical neglect, or education neglect until the agency or instrument demonstrates that it is no longer using such refusal as a basis of such a charge.
(c) Definition- For purposes of this Act, the term `universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening program'--

(1) means any mental health screening program in which a set of individuals (other than members of the Armed Forces or individuals serving a sentence resulting from conviction for a criminal offense) is automatically screened without regard to whether there was a prior indication of a need for mental health treatment; and

(2) includes--

(A) any program of State incentive grants for transformation to implement recommendations in the July 2003 report of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, the State Early Childhood Comprehensive System, grants for TeenScreen, and the Foundations for Learning Grants; and
(B) any student mental health screening program that allows mental health screening of individuals under 18 years of age without the express, written, voluntary, informed consent of the parent or legal guardian of the individual involved.

Friday, January 25, 2013

IMPORTANT* Information on Risperdal

Drug & Pharmaceutical Litigation


Representing More Risperdal Victims than Anyone in the Country...

Thomas J. Henry Injury Attorneys, a national personal injury firm, represents more victims injured by the pharmaceutical drug Risperdal than any other firm in the nation.  Having reviewed thousands of Gynecomastia cases across the country, the firm is uniquely qualified to handle your case.  Call 24 hours a day or fill out the confidential online form for a free consultation.

Risperdal and Children

Risperdal (risperidone) is an atypical anti-psychotic medication approved to treat symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism. When it comes to prescribing Risperdal to children and adolescents, these uses are narrow and limited. Unfortunately, that has not stopped thousands of doctors from prescribing Risperdal for unapproved and untested uses, with serious consequences.
ALERTJan. 19, 2012: Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay $158 million to the state of Texas to settle claims that the drug company illegally promoted its anti-psychotic drug Risperdal for off-label uses, including unapproved uses in children.
[They] misused Texas and, I believe, well-meaning officials to further their marketing. They subverted science and they influenced others to betray the people they were supposed to be taking care of. To me, that is reprehensible,
Allen Jones, Whistleblower who filed original Risperdal lawsuits in Texas and Pennsylvania

Approved Uses for Children

Risperdal has only been approved for the following:
Schizophrenia- Treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents aged 13-17 (approved in 2007).
Bipolar Disorder- Short term-treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes associated with Bipolar I Disorder in children and adolescents aged 10-17 (approved in 2007).
Autistic Disorder- Treatment of irritability associated with autistic disorder in children and adolescents aged 5-16 (approved in 2006).

Off-Label Prescribing

While Risperdal has only been approved for the above uses in children, doctors are able to prescribe it for various other unapproved or “off-label uses” such as:
  • ADHD
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Disruptive behavior disorders in children
  • Depression
While it may be legal, the practice of off-label prescribing puts children at risk for serious, life-threatening side-effects without concrete proof/evidence of benefit.

Risperdal Side-Effects

  • Rapid weight gain
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Breast cancer
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland
  • Gynecomastia (breast development in males)
  • Galactorrhea (lactation)
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Decreased bone mineral density
  • Osteoporosis
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Involuntary movement disorders (tics, twitches, muscle contractions)
  • Nueroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)
Recent Risperdal Lawsuits

Robyn O'Brien (The Unhealthy Truth) Interview - 100 Days of Real Food

Robyn O'Brien (The Unhealthy Truth) Interview - 100 Days of Real Food

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Awesome Natural Remedy.

enlarge bottle
Calm Child™

Supports Calm Focused Attention

gray left  Product Profile | Liquid | 432 mg Tablet gray right

Children today live in a stressful world. Over stimulation can affect their behavior and concentration. Calm Child is a special herbal blend, designed to soothe the minds and bodies of children, particularly in their moments of restlessness, anxiety, or stress.

Calm Child combines the soothing botanicals chamomile, lemon balm, and catnip, with the nourishing tonifiers hawthorn, zizyphus, gotu kola extract, and amla. Additional herbs and nutrients, traditionally used by cultures around the world, support alertness and focus in children.

Calm Child is available as a tablet and a great-tasting, alcohol-free liquid. Calm Child is part of the Planetary Herbals line of products that draw on the wisdom of traditional cultures and the new knowledge gleaned from scientific research - providing the best of what modern herbalism and science have to offer.

Helping Your Ultra-Active Child Cope
Television, chemically adulterated and sweet foods, plus the stimulation of everyday life - all can cause high levels of anxiety and excitement for children. Their immature nervous systems are sensitive to stressors, and they have not yet developed the coping skills for expressing frustration or releasing pent-up emotions healthfully. All this can affect their ability to learn and impede the development of positive social skills. Planetary Herbals can help with Calm Child: a safe and natural product that soothes and relaxes ultra-active kids.

How Calm Child Works
Calm Child helps counter the effects of over stimulation. It works in two important ways to help cultivate a centered sense of well-being and confidence for children.

• Lemon balm and chamomile are legendary for gently easing the effects of overstimulation.
• Chinese zizyphus, gotu kola, amla, and hawthorn berry deeply tonify the child's system, lessening sensitivity to stressors.

Effective Tablets and Great-Tasting Herbal Syrup
Calm Child comes in 432 mg easy-to swallow tablets in bottles of 72 or 150 tablets. It is also available in a vegetable glycerine syrup, in 1, 2, 4, or 8 oz bottles. Vegetable glycerine makes an extremely nourishing and soothing syrup that is naturally sweet without the presence of sugar. It is combined in Calm Child with essential oils of anise, cinnamon, and cloves, for a healthful herbal blend that is also great-tasting.

Together the ingredients in Calm Child help take the stressful edge off troublesome days, while increasing your child's ability to focus and deal with stress.

Clinically Derived Formula from Michael Tierra
Calm Child was formulated by renowned herbalist Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D. an authority on the world's herbal traditions, and is used daily in his clinical practice. This means you can be assured of obtaining the benefits you are seeking from an herbal product.

Information on Kapvay, these side effects are aweful.....

Do not take KAPVAY® if you are allergic to clonidine.
  • Use KAPVAY® with caution if you have high or low blood pressure, kidney problems, or heart problems, including heart attacks or strokes. You should avoid becoming dehydrated or overheated when taking KAPVAY®
  • KAPVAY® can make you sleepy or dizzy. Do not drink alcohol or take other medicines that make you sleepy or dizzy while taking KAPVAY® until you talk with your doctor. KAPVAY® taken with alcohol or medicines that cause sleepiness or dizziness may make your sleepiness or dizziness worse
  • Do not drive, operate heavy machinery, or participate in any dangerous activities until you know how KAPVAY® will affect you
  • Do not stop taking KAPVAY® without talking to your doctor. Suddenly stopping KAPVAY® may cause withdrawal symptoms, including increased blood pressure, headache, increased heart rate, lightheadedness, tightness in your chest, and nervousness
  • Tell your doctor if you had a skin reaction (such as a rash) after taking clonidine in a transdermal form (skin patch). Talk to your doctor about any other medical conditions you have and all the medicines, including vitamins and herbal supplements, that you take
  • The most common side effects of KAPVAY® include sleepiness, tiredness, and upper respiratory tract infections. Symptoms may include cough, runny nose, sneezing, irritability, sore throat, trouble sleeping (insomnia), nightmares, change in mood, constipation, stuffy nose, increased body temperature, dry mouth, and ear pain


“Clonidine is among the most commonly prescribed drugs to treat insomnia for children with ADHD... However, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine advises first trying behaviorial strategies for pediatric insomnia and using medication sparingly. Consumer Reports medical advisors urge people to avoid taking medication to treat the side effects of another drug unless that drug is essential.”

ABOVE: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Off-label use of clonidine: Is it really a wonder drug?; Consumer Reports, Consumers Union of US, Inc. (updated 9/2009).

The use of clonidine and methylphenidate in combination continues to be controversial. Both drugs can adversely affect an irregular heart rate or rhythm (cardiac arrhythmia) and this effect can be worsened when the drugs are combined. Four deaths of children using both drugs were reported to the FDA.

ABOVE: Cantwell D.P., Swanson J., Connor D.F. “Case study: adverse response to clonidine.” J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997;36:539-44.

“Clonidine can also cause severe depression and is particularly dangerous for anyone with a history of depression.”

ABOVE: Wolfe, S.M. et al. “Worst Pills Best Pills,” Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington DC (1988).
Kapvay (clonidine)

“Clonidine can cause severe depression and is particularly dangerous for anyone with a history of depression.” (4)

Clonidine Side Effects and Warnings

  • Brand Names: KAPVAY, JENLOGA (extended-release tablets); CATAPRES, DIXARIT (tablets); CATAPRES-TTS (transdermal patch)
  • Generic Names: clonidine hydrochloride, clonidine

How Clonidine Works

Clonidine reduces blood flow in the brain and produces dose-related sedation. (5) The drug lowers blood pressure and heart rate, thereby supressing the body's “fight or flight response” by decreasing that activity of part of the brain known as vasomotor center. Users of clonidine experience typical drowsiness. (1,2)

Used For

  • High blood pressure
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Narcotic withdrawal syndrome (off-label)

Do Not Use If

  • You have a history of depression. Clonidine can cause severe depression and is particularly dangerous for anyone with a history of depression. (4)
  • You have heart disease, unless your doctor tells you it is okay. (6)
  • You have a problem in your heart that impacts the timing of the heartbeat or transmission of electrical impulses through the heart. (3)
  • You previously had an allergic reaction to clonidine. (3)


Serious Risks Include ACUTE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS (rebound hypertension) with abrupt discontinuation.

Severe cases can result in a very large increase in blood pressure which requires prompt treatment to avoid complications such as organ damage.

ABOVE: Rybacki, J., et al. The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, HarperCollins Publishers Inc., NY (1996).

Let Your Doctor Know Before Taking This Drug If

  • you have or have had Serious Emotional Depression
  • you are taking any antidepressant
  • you are taking a tricyclic antidepressant
  • you are taking any sedative
  • you are taking any hypnotic drugs
  • you have a Circulatory Disorder of the Brain
  • you have Angina or Coronary Heart Disease
  • you have a Very Slow Heart Rate
  • you have Buerger's disease (hands or feet may be pale, red, or bluish and may feel cold; caused by inflammation of blood vessels)
  • you have Raynaud's phenomenon (cold temperatures or strong emotions cause blood vessel spasms that block blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears, and nose)
  • you plan to have surgery under general anesthesia in the near future

Common (Expected) Side Effects

  • Lowering of blood pressure (expected)
  • Lowering of heart rate (expected)
  • Drowsiness and Sedation (sleepiness) (33-35%)
  • Dry Nose and Mouth (40%)
  • Headache (19-29%)
  • Constipation (10%)
  • Upper Abdominal Pain (13-20%)
  • Fatigue (13-16%)
  • Dizziness (16%)
  • Irritability
  • Change in mood
  • Trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • Light-headedness (caused by lowering of blood pressure)
  • Sore throat
  • Dry eyes (in patients who wear contact lenses)

Possible Adverse Effects

If any of the following develop, consult your physician promptly for guidance.

Mild Adverse Effects

  • Allergic Reactions: Skin rash, hives, localized swellings, itching
  • Headache, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, dryness and burning eyes
  • Painful parotid (salivary) gland, nausea, vomiting
  • Weight gain, urinary retention
  • Dry mouth
  • Urination at night
  • Thinning of hair (rare)

Serious Adverse Effects

  • Raynaud's phenomenon (cold temperatures or strong emotions cause blood vessel spasms that block blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears, and nose)
  • Aggravation of congestive heart failur, heart rhythm disorders, vivid dreaming, nightmares, depression, hallucinations
  • Sleep disorders
  • Corneal ulcers (rare)
  • Acute pancreatitis (rare)
  • Slow heart beat (bradycardia)

Possible Effects On Sexual Functions

  • Decreased libido (10%)
  • Impotence (8-24%)
  • Impaired Ejaculation (rare)
  • Enlargement of male breasts
  • Precocious puberty in females (puberty at an early age)


  1. Do not stop this drug suddenly! Sudden withdrawal can cause a severe and possibly fatal reaction.
  2. Hot weather or fever can reduce blood pressure significantly. Dose adjustments may be necessary.
  3. Report the development of any tendency to emotional depression.

“The main problem with clonidine is that missing one or two doses can have serious effects

, including sweating, tremor, flushing, and severe high blood pressure.
ABOVE: Wolf, S., et al. Worst Pills Best Pills, Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington DC (1988).

Overdose Side Effects

  • Marked drowsiness
  • Weakness
  • Dry mouth
  • Slow pulse
  • Low blood pressure
  • Vomiting
  • Stupor progressing to coma

A review of 20-years of scientific literature on using stimulant medications, including methylphenidate drugs, to treat children with ADD and ADHD found a consensus: there is no documented long-term benefit (academic achievement or pro-social behavior) in using psychoactive drugs.


“The main problem with clonidine is that missing one or two doses can have serious effects, including sweating, tremor, flushing, and severe high blood pressure.

ABOVE: Wolf, S., et al. Worst Pills Best Pills, Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington DC (1988).

Additional safety precaution for ADHD patients:

Cardiovascular risks should be evaluated before starting clonidine for the treatment of ADHD. Some patients have reported changes in heart rate or rhythm.

Patients should be monitored for changes in pulse and blood pressure, and sedation while using clonidine.

ABOVE: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Off-label use of clonidine: Is it really a wonder drug?; Consumer Reports, Consumers Union of US, Inc. (updated 9/2009).

The most common side effects of KAPVAY include:

  • sleepiness
  • tiredness
  • upper respiratory tract infection, symptoms may include: cough, runny nose, sneezing
  • irritability
  • sore throat
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • nightmares
  • change in mood
  • constipation
  • stuffy nose
  • increased body temperature
  • dry mouth
  • ear pain

KAPVAY may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Low blood pressure and low heart rate. Your doctor should check your heart rate and blood pressure before starting treatment and regularly during treatment with KAPVAY.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Suddenly stopping KAPVAY may cause withdrawal symptoms including: increased blood pressure, headache, increased heart rate, lightheadedness, tightness in your chest and nervousness.
ABOVE: Kapvay Patient Information, Rev. 9/2010.

Clonidine may worsen heart disease and have heightened effects in people with kidney disease.

SOURCES: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Off-label use of clonidine: Is it really a wonder drug?; Consumer Reports, Consumers Union of US, Inc. (updated 9/2009).



13 Banned Foods Still Allowed in the U.S.

13 Banned Foods Still Allowed in the U.S.

These sort of things is why i made such a food change as i spoke of in T-bone's story. All these chemicals,dyes,hormones and such that they are putting in our foods are causing our bodies to have major reactions.Although i know that diet or food changes cannot fix everything, it is your best shot to try first. Between everything we eat and everything we drink, if you break it all down we are consuming things that are killing us, whether quickly or slowly. Please do research, do it for your family, they count on you.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mother Faces Down Swat Team & Tank For Refusing to Drug Daughter

  1. St. Louis, Missouri – January 15, 2013: 34-year-old Sean Johnson walked onto the Stevens Institute of Business & Arts campus and shot the school’s financial aid director once in the chest, then shot himself in the torso. Johnson had been taking prescribed drugs for an undisclosed mental illness.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Marketing of Madness: The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs

My son's story- T-bone

My son's story is complicated and started five years ago. It's been a long and tiresome one. Let me first tell you that I do not have full custody of my son, he lives with his father, so the battle for me was that much harder. This aspect of my life, I hope, will help you understand his story.

                        Five years ago T-bone was diagnosed with ADHD, the day that i found out it turned my world upside down. I picked him up for our mid-week visitation on a wednsday, when he got into my car and we drove away for the afternoon, he kept talking, fidgeting, licking his lips, couldn't stay on one subject of conversation. So i kept watching him and then finally asked him what was going on. He proceded to tell me that he was on this medication that is supposed to help him. Now you have to picture this- my son was showing signs of being HIGH!! If you have never lead a wild past then God bless you for never walking that path. As me, my teenage years and into my early twenties before i had children, there was probably not anything that i came across that i would refuse. So for me to see my 6yr old HIGH i flipped!! The trouble with this situation was because me and his father did not have any good communication at the time. There was really nothing i could do, by law his father had the medical say so, and by law i didnt have the right to not give him this "medication" when he was with me, as well as that it would put his brain on a rollercoaster.
                 I tried to speak to his father and stepmother about this situation, it only turned into a big fight.
As time went on i could tell it was a doomed situation, i had no rights, no say so, and no one wanted to listen to my concerns or opinions about what might be making our child act this way. So for a while i let it be, trying not to cause conflict. His father and stepmother tried to assure me that they had tried everything they knew to try before putting him on this medication, Concerta. I had to pray, hope, and believe that they had. While on this medication, T-bone would have nightmares, almost no appetite, no signs of remorse for any wrong action, not much sign of any emotion.
                 As time went on, i decided to research this monster, ADHD, and find out why, why my son, there is no way my son has any aligment. He was born perfect and i knew this, God had given me this child and i knew He would care for him. As my research continued, i didnt focus on researching the medications, i focused on researching diet, foods, shampoos, deodrants, laundry soap, anything and everything that my child would come in contact with. During this time T-bone's behavior was not really much better but his grades were better, so the doctor decided that his Concerta was just not doing the trick anymore. He was then put on Adderall XR. This is when things got really bad. He ended up hurting a kid on the playground at school, he was caught on video kicking him while he was on the ground. He wouldn't even take responsiblity for it. Not long after this incedent, T-bone shoved a peanut butter sandwich in a girls face, doesn't sound too bad huh?, well the aweful part is that he knew this girl was highly allergic to peanuts. At this point his father and stepmother addmitted him to a behavioral hospital. Not only was i flabbergasted, but the principal and counselor at his school was too. Not to say that what he did could have had a really terrible ending for this young girl, but a behavioral hospital???!! The hospital immediately took him off the adderall xr, hhhmmm wonder why, but it didnt end there. They put him on more "medications". He was there only a week, but the week he spent away from his families was detrimental to him. Not to mention the hospital had him so sedated that he was an emotional mess, out of it, and just begging to come home. The hospital had him on Resperdone. This was supposed to "calm him" so that he wouldn't be so aggressive. When T-bone got out of the hospital, he was to go see his pediatrician, well he had retired. So his father and stepmother found a psycologist/counseling center. He attended this place as outpaitent for about a year. With not alot of improvements in his behavior or aggression. He was constantly in trouble at school and both homes. His outbursts and attitude were unimaginable. He would purposely hurt his brothers and when asked why, his answer would be "i dont know" or "i wanted to see what would happen" . His definace was in everything, you couldn't even ask him to come eat dinner without a blow up. After the year at the first counseling place, his father and stepmother found a different one. When he began at this center he was doing the same, i think they switched places because they found that the last psycologist really just wasn't paying attention to them, T-bone, or any of their concerns. (remember through almost this whole battle we were not on good speaking terms, so there is alot i dont know, i only know what i saw with our son). T-bone went through counseling and still was getting in trouble. Some weeks would be ok and some weeks your really didnt even want to talk about what happened. While attending this center they changed his medication again, to Focalin and also Celexa. Not a good choice, he was only on it for less than two weeks and in that time he was with me for most of it. He complained the whole time of stomach aches to the point he would lay in his bed for hours in the fetal position because of the pain and he would wake up with nightmares. I took him for a check up appointment and told them and they quickly switched him to Vyvanse. At least with this one his didn't complain about his stomach. Mind you through all of these medication changes there was never a period of time that any of these doctors, psychologists, counselors, anyone ever suggested a "detoxifing time". A period of time in between switching medicines that is needed to completely drain the system of one medication so there is no counter-action of two in the body.
                            Well at this point through our adult battles, we found ourselves in family counseling. All four of us "adults" had to get it together. We only ended up with about three months of this counseling, but i swear it was one of the miracles we all needed, especially our son. With us now communicating on a better level we were able to make some head way on this whole situation. Me and T-bone's stepmother really began communicating really well. So between me and her, we were able to decide a few things. We talked about retesting him, diet changes, keeping our two households on the same page with his behavior so that he could not manipulate any of us, among lots of other issues. During our progress, T-bone's original pediatrician came out of retirement and started another practice. So stepmom asked me if we thought it was a good idea to go back to him, we agreed. :) When T-bone returned to the original doctor he decided to alter alittle of his medications, because there were still issues with his behavior. He changed his Celexa to Abilify. The reason for this was "Celexa is acting as more stimulants, just as the Vyvanse, so T-bone is getting too many stimulants. With the abilify, it will act as a blocker. It will allow the Vyvanse to release the stimulants without it going overboard." Ok, i can handle that. I was worried about the abilify because what i could find out about it i didnt like. We made the switch to abilify. So now he was on Vyvanse and Abilify. This continued for a while, as did our good communication. T-bone seemed to improve on a daily basis, we both made diet changes in our home. I think i made more than they did, but it was because i dove into it. I took out all gmo's, additives, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and lots of other things. We decided to get him tested again, this time from somewhere he had never been, the appointment was months in the waiting. This last October we finally had those appointments. I took T-bone to his two different appointments and the last appointment was for the decision. I was so happy when i walked out of there, he told me that there were no signs what so ever of the stupid monster that had ruled our lives for so long. He did say he thought there were signs of ODD. But you know what, evey child i know has a little ODD in them, and the doctor told me that if we, us four parents, would do more counseling or just make sure we stay on the same page, it would get better. Imagine that a doctor that suggested no medicine for a diagnosis!!!
It took a month to get the diagnostic letter from the doctor in the mail. When we finally recieved it his stepmom took a copy to his pediatrician. We were in hopes he would be off his meds by christmas. I think his father was excited too, he had kinda taken him off of the Vyvanse himself :). T-bone came up the weekend before his appointment with his pediatrician, I went to give his medicine and he was like "na, i don't want too. Daddy hasn't made me take it since thursday" i was so happy, i was like ok. Shoot, i wasn't gonna shove it down his throat. lol. We went to the doctor on december 11th, i remember this day well. While sitting in the waiting room forever, me and his dad chatted. He mentioned he had watched the "medicated child" i was impressed. We get in the room , finally, and the doctor tries to put T-bone back on the medicine he hadnt had in five days. Ok, so you understand, when you take stimulants, they wear off, once they wear off they are basically out of your system. So since T-bone had been off of them for five days i couldnt understand why he would want to put him back on them to then ween him off. I got the doctor to agree with me that it was unessacery. (YAY!)
                     At this point T-bone was still on the abilify, we didnt want to jump his body off of everything all at once. But recently, his father and stepmother told me that they were done with the abilify!!! Praise God my son is drug free!!
                      During all of this and watching my son and his behavior i kept asking, where is my son. I thought i had lost him, i thought that this monster had taken him away. My sweet little baby boy had turned and became his monster. It was heartbreaking, to see your little baby eaten up. I have come to the understanding that it was not a monster that made him act this way, it was his parents and his environment that made him act out, and then it was these "medications" that turned him evil. If these medications had never been given to him and his parents would of straightened up he would have been fine. I know me and my son's story is slightly confusing, but there is no way to put five years of battle on here. I would have to write a book!! lol
                      The side effects that these medications have are life changing, life threatening, and unnessacery. Please through our stories and information on this blog do your research, not all doctors are out for the almighty dollar, and some actually care about their paitients, but it is our job to know our children, to protect them and to make every effort possible to make sure they are able to make it to adulthood without labels. If you have any questions about anything, we will be glad to help and answer them. Some children truly do need the guidance of medicine, but we have to be careful on where to draw the line.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Little Boy Lost.......BUT FOUND!

 The next generation, more psychiatric drugs. My story continued through motherhood. Here it is.........

Those dreaded letters scrolled upon a tablet first in the school, then upon the medical chart of your child. Solution, medicine, medicine, and more medicine. My son was only 4 when these issues began. I was a young mother, I did not know. No one told me.

 My son, full of life, lots of energy, a beautiful smile, big blue eyes, my baby. It was only a short time of attending the pre-school before the "diagnoses" started. The teachers were lovely, the director (dictator) however, had plans. She knew better right? After all, she was the "specialist". What did I know, I was only the mother of this child. He was my first, I was young, and very much deceived. I believed the lies they told.

I was called frequently into her office. Sadly it did not take much to convince me that my son had this disorder. After all, he was active, he could not concentrate on his work, he would get up during class. The day I walked into the doctors office to have this confirmed was the beginning of our sorrows and grief. It took only 3 minutes of asking about 6 questions before the prescription pad came out of his pocket. And there it was, I chose to drug my child. I wish I had known, I wish someone had told me.


I was told his appetite might decrease and that he would get a dry mouth, that was it. So here is what he went through:

1. Mood swings
2. Aggressive tendencies
3. Night terrors, woke up nightly screaming
4. Complained of "bugs" crawling on his skin
5. Smeared his own feces on his bedroom wall
6. Weight loss, extreme......his clothes no longer fit, they were too big
7. Dark circles under his eyes
8. Began chewing on his fingers until they would bleed
9. Worst of all..........quote from him, "I wish I was dead I want to kill myself!"

He would sleep for maybe two to three hours a night. I went back to the doctor to complain about all of this and here is what I was told about his behaviors:

"More than likely your son has other disorders that we could not see until he was given the medicine. We see this quite often in our patients. We treat for one disorder, but the medicine reveals what the "real" problems are."


During this visit he said my son had ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) and needed more medicine for that AND to help him sleep. In other words he wanted to medicate him for the new "disease" that cropped up as well as medicate him to treat the side effects caused from the first drug. I said no. I refused to give him more drugs so I went home and chose to give him a lower dose.

I cannot remember everything that was said, nor do I know what was written in his charts. I have requested my sons medical records as of yesterday and once those arrive I plan on posting my findings.


It was the first day of school. He was thrilled, I was nervous. For different reasons than most moms though. I knew what would happen before he ever began, and I was right. Within a couple of weeks of starting school the notes began coming home...."Can't sit still, squirms in seat, talks excessively, ect." Coincidentally, every report card I received as a child said that I "talked excessively". I was NOT medicated for talking, and at that time it was not considered a disorder.

The teacher and principle continued to give their personal diagnoses of my son and continued to press me about increasing his dose, maybe even give another dose at lunch. I had a very heated argument with his teacher when I walked into class for a meeting and saw that they had placed a partition around my sons desk at the far back corner of the room. It took every ounce of patience I had not to destroy it then and there. I demanded it be removed, this was abuse. Meanwhile at home things were just getting much worse. I was losing my son, he was dying and I did not know. Now typing these words I weep and cry, he needed me to speak out for him. I took too long, but I finally fought back.

I took my son to someone who specialized in natural health remedies and treatments. For the very first time my son had blood tests done. Something the doctor never did. He had a large amount of toxins of course. Though it is recommended that persons on these meds wean off slowly, I continued for one more week while "detoxing" my sons system with vitamins, nutrients, and healthy foods. After one week I flushed the rest of the pills down the toilet.

I began giving him plant enzyme capsules with each meal to help him digest his food. I changed our whole families diet. We eliminated all artificial colors, additives, and preservatives. I started making his school lunches rather than feed him the fast food garbage the schools give little children.

Once the school discovered I stopped all meds the fight became more intense. They did not like it in the least. They refused to give him the enzymes at lunch so I had to drive to the school everyday to make sure he was taken care of. I was told that they are only allowed to give drugs to kids prescribed by doctors. My doctor refused to send us a note asking them to give the vitamins to my son at lunch.

My plans changed. I was contemplating homeschooling, something I never thought of before, and knew very little about.  I did not feel "qualified", but I knew I could do better than the school, I saw things there that disturbed me. Many kids were on drugs. It was not as rare as I thought. My husband and I were going to leave him in until the end of the school year. But just before Christmas break I was called into the principles office for another meeting. She began pressuring me again to go back to the medication. After a few minutes of listening to her insult my personal decisions for MY son I made a choice on the fly. "Gather my sons records, he will not be coming back after Christmas break. I am taking him home to love him the way God made him. He is never coming back." Her response?

HER - "Well I have a friend with four kids who homeschools and I can tell you it takes a very special person to homeschool their kids."

ME  - "Well I think I am pretty special. Goodbye."


The medication prescribed to my son was Adderall.

1. It is a stimulant
2. It is an AMPHETAMINE (no one told  me this)
3. It is NOT supposed to be given to children under son was 4 at the time. There have been NO studies of this drug for children under 6 years old.
4. During the time my son was taking it, 24 CHILDREN DIED WHILE TAKING ADDERALL AND NO ONE TOLD ME
5. Due to the deaths, Canada discontinued it for a time while the U.S. DID NOT
6. It causes the following side effects that no one informed me of and it was NOT handed to me by the pharmacist:
       Heart Attack
       Mania, psychosis
       Suicidal thoughts, ideation
       Irregular heartbeat
       Weight loss

There are more. My son displayed ALL of these above with the exception of stroke, death and heart attack. Never was I informed or told the medication did this or could do this. Remember, the doctor told me that these were NOT from the drug but rather a revealing of other mental disorders.

Additionally, they never did an EKG nor did they "monitor him  closely" as they were supposed to. The FDA recommends frequent heart checks, blood pressure watched and EKG's while taking these medicines. My son was medicated and thrown to the side. They are also supposed to ask about your family history of heart problems, they did not ask me about mine. The majority of kids who die from these medicines suffer heart attack, stroke, or commit suicide. Children as young as 6 are taking their own lives while on these "safe" drugs.


Yes we are still homeschooling. Do I still feel special? YES I DO! My son will be graduating this year. He is an amazing young man. Have we gone through stuff?......of course. The teen years have had turbulent moments, and that's okay. We have survived and did it without drugs. Imagine that!

He spends three to four afternoons a week volunteering at a local nursing home. He is a gifted piano player and will be attending a music ministry academy in the fall of 2013. HIs dream is to preach God's Word, share God's love and become a worship leader. Currently he is "practicing" his leading skills at our church. He is hard working, kind, and loves Jesus. He still has a beautiful smile and big blue eyes. He still has lots of energy. But I view it as a gift, not a disorder. He is creative and organized, a leader in the making.

One more note, the "test" they use to diagnose ADHD is VERY similar to the one used for gifted and talented students........just in case you needed to see the "specialness" of your own child.


Little Girl Lost

This post is a continuation of the two previous posts.(videos) I plan on doing a series over the next couple of weeks. The topic of psychiatric drugs came about when I noticed a trend in the recent school shootings. One common denominator is use of these drugs. I began research, and remembered I too have a personal story of psychiatric drugs. 

As a teen shortly after my mother sustained a massive head injury, my dad checked me into a mental health rehabilitation facility to be treated for depression. I was depressed due to the tragic event that happened to our family. This is not uncommon but rather a normal human response to trauma. It is by no means a mental illness, nor does it require "treatment". A loving support network of friends and family are the perfect remedy for one who experiences pain in their personal life. We all suffer tragedy at some point in our lives, but the answer is not medicine, nor do we all need to be locked away.

The facility was very dark. The staff were borderline abusive to the kids and teens. We were all labeled with a "disorder" and we were ALL prescribed drugs. The labels were the same for all of us, just a few categories. Your psychiatrist diagnosed you with depression, bi-polar disorder, or ADHD. For us teens, we all had manic-depression and were given anti-depressants to "feel" better. In fact, when new kids arrived the first thing we asked them was, "What do YOU have and which drug did they give you?" None of us were allowed to reject taking the pills, they forced us each day as we lined up at the nurses office to receive our daily dose. They watched us take the pills, checking to make sure we swallowed. If we refused, they would punish us by placing us in a small room with padded walls. No, this is not something you see only in the movies, but it is reality. Even our parents had no idea what was happening.

 If any of us broke the rules, we were forced to spend a certain number of minutes in that room. I broke one of the rules, I was accused of telling a lie. We had therapy classes each day with different leaders and each leader had to initial our agenda sheet. Without the agenda sheet signed, no T.V. after dinner. I neglected to obtain one signature for the day. (not realizing it) I was called from the recreation room and confronted about "lying". I argued with the staff, trying to explain it was only a mistake. They refused a phone call to my dad because of my "disobedience". I began yelling and screaming, I wanted to call my dad, I wanted out of that place. Instead they called my psychologist. They forced me to speak with him. When I told him I just wanted to go home, he began describing my behavior using "psychological" terms. His voice sounded strange, as if he were the one with a mental disorder. It was not the same voice he had used in sessions.

Once the phone call ended, they gave me one more chance to "tell the truth". I refused. Two large male nurses dragged me kicking and screaming to the padded room. The last thing I remember after being thrown onto the floor, is crawling to a corner. It was dark and smelled of urine from the younger children who had been locked away too. I do not know how much time passed. I do not know how long I was there. The next memory I have is being in the arms of one compassionate nurse on a gurney outside of the padded room. Her name was Kay.  At the end of the hall I saw other teens that I had become close to while staying in this horrible place. Through the glass of a door I saw them, crying, screaming, beating the door, pleading my cause. I was brought to my bed and do not recall falling asleep, but only waking up the next day seeing the reality of a drab room, and a window that would not open.

It was a frightening experience. The punishment was no visitation with my family that day. And it was my 16th birthday.

I watched other teens being treated the same way, drugged, occasionally given shots to "calm" them, and then the room where they would sometimes be left for a couple of hours. There was no place for human error, or human feelings/emotions. No matter what you did or said, it was a disorder that required treatment, drugs, more counseling sessions. It drove many of us to complete madness. I watched kids get worse due to the methods that were forced upon them. We were in a prison, no way out, and no one to save us.

 After the medication started to "work" in my system I began having nightmares, anxiety attacks, dizziness, I no longer felt like myself. When it was time to leave (code for my dad's insurance had reached it's limit on what they would pay) , I was sent to live in a girls home. The psychiatrist convinced my dad that this would be the best choice for our family. In fact, family was always last and I watched them rip families apart over and over again. Many kids were sent to live in other facilities as well. In these state run homes, more drugs, more therapy, more trauma, and more money for the adults who made their living off of destroying kids and teens. I didn't want to live in another place. I wanted my own room, my own bed. I sat in the backseat of a car driven by social workers to my new home. Tears streaming down my face, no words. We stopped at one point at a small convenience store. As I looked out the window watching people come and go I longed to be them. A normal life. For a moment I thought about leaping from the car and running away. But they would catch me, and might give me more drugs, or worse.

The group home was required by the state to continue giving me medicine. After a few days of pretending to take it, they caught me trying to get rid of my morning dose. I was punished for my crime. No privileges and no visitation with my family. It was obvious that every adult in the field  of "mental health" was trained to use our family as a way to punish us. This was the tool used to force us into submission.  From that moment forward, I was monitored to insure I was in fact taking the medicine. A couple of weeks later I overdosed on purpose and almost died. The ER medical staff pumped my stomach and I spent three days in ICU, another week in a room. One of the nurses at the hospital (red hair green eyes) told me she had no sympathy for anyone who tried to kill themselves and asked me if I realized that attempted suicide was illegal. It was a very low point for me. No one heard me. I did not have a voice. No one cared. And no one knew that the medicine had affected my mind and caused me to go over the edge.

That is only the first half of my experience with psychotropic drugs. I should have remembered what happened to me. Three days ago I shed bitter tears. I discovered truth and I want others to know...............
