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Friday, January 11, 2013

21 Psychiatric Drug Facts

1. There are absolutely no medical tests that can be done to diagnose ADHD. (blood, urine, MRI ect.)

2. Due to the high risks of heart attack and stroke, a complete medical history of the family is to be explored by the doctor. This is often overlooked. Many kids are prescribed drugs after a 5 minute office visit.

3. Doctors are supposed to closely monitor a child's blood pressure and do an EKG PRIOR to prescribing these drugs. They do not. Additionally they should do EKG's as long as the child is on the medication.

4. 9 of the past 13 school shootings were committed by a person or persons taking psychotropic drugs. (anti-depressants and stimulants) The other 4 shootings have sealed records. These drugs have been proven to cause psychosis.

5. Psychiatric drugs disrupt 3 of the main neurotransmitters in the brain that control thinking, reasoning, and impulsive behavior. These transmitters are usually permanently damaged.

6. Elderly people are often prescribed many of these drugs. The suicide rate is very high in this age group. There have been documented cases of people as old as 90 that have shot themselves to death while taking psychiatric medications. (Ambien is one of the most common drugs prescribed to elderly)

7. 52% of children in the foster care system in the United States are on psychiatric drugs.

8. Children as young as 6 are attempting suicide while being medicated.

9. Many of the psychiatric drugs are not approved by the FDA to give to those under 18 years of age. Yet there are children as young as 1 year old being prescribed these medications.

10. From 1995-2000 the number of children being medicated doubled.

11. 1 in 6 pregnant women are diagnosed with depression and prescribed anti-depressants. Even though it has been proven these drugs cause birth defects, women are still being told by doctors that they are safe.

12. 1/2 million babies are born every year with problems due to anti-depressants taken during pregnancy. (Zoloft and Paxil are often prescribed to expectant mothers) These drugs can also pass through mothers milk which makes them unsafe to take while nursing.

13. Ultrasounds are now being done to "diagnose" the unborn with bi-polar disorder.

14. 1998 - The National Institute of Mental Health held a consensus development conference on ADD/ADHD. One of the 30 doctors on the panel said, "We do not have an independent or valid diagnostic tests for these disorders."

15. The symptoms for ADD/ADHD are recorded in the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Medical Journal as the following:

* Often squirms in seat and fidgets with hands.
* Speaks out of turn.
* Blurts out answers to questions before the questions are asked.
* Has difficulty staying on task.

NOTE - Children are being medicated for being children!

16. ADD/ADHD are considered mental illness and this is the label your child will have into adulthood.

17. If a child is being medicated and continues to have this diagnoses in their medical records beyond age 12, they are ineligible from entering the military.

18. CHADD, a support network for parents with children who have these disorders receives funding from pharmaceutical companies.

19. 3,100 people are taken to the ER every year from complications due to side effects, 80% are children.

20. Schools receive additional funding $$$$$ from state and federal programs for every child that is labeled and medicated.

21. No ADD/ADHD rating scale, checklist, survey, or questionnaires have ever been validated, endorsed, or recommended by ANY local, state, or federal government.

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